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Virginia Apple Industry Charlottesville VA Apple Board

Gala Apples

Virginia Apple Industry Charlottesville VA Apple Board
Virginia Apple Industry Charlottesville VA Apple Board

Put Some Bite into Late Summer Apple Sales with Gala!


More and more consumers are on the lookout for Gala apples when they arrive in stores in late August. With their distinctive red/orange color and yellow stripes, they are easy to spot; with their crisp texture and excellent taste, they are well worth the wait.


Gala is one of the first Virginia apple varieties available. However, unlike some mid-summer apples, they are crunchy, juicy and full of flavor.


They are an excellent choice for snacking and salads, and hold up well in baking. Galas were developed in New Zealand in 1934 as a cross between KiddÕs Orange Red Delicious and Golden Delicious. Today, with increased production by Virginia growers plus next day delivery, buyers can depend on the freshness and availability of Virginia Gala apples.

Virginia Apple Industry
Virginia Apple Industry Charlottesville VA Apple Board
Virginia Apple Industry Charlottesville VA Apple Board



Taste and Bite

  • Crunchy, juicy, sweet-tart taste



  • Creamy yellow with red/orange stripes



  • Delicious as a snack

  • Wonderful in salads

  • Just right for cooking and baking





  • One of the earliest local apples available in Fall

  • Ready for sale from the end of August through November


Excellent Shelf Life

  • 10 to 14 days


Packing Options

  • In tray packs

  • In various bag sizes, bins or bulk

  • PLU stickering available


Immediate Shipping

  • Next day delivery

  • Fresh-from-the-orchard apples

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